Tired of boring teachers?

Boost your French while having fun with a proven tutor that you will love!

As a tutor, I can only take a limited number of students per year, so if you’re interested, request a slot as soon as possible.

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How your life will look like

So you’re at home right now, sitting at your computer, thinking that it would be nice to take some time for yourself to become an even better person and start (or keep) practising French. You’ve always wanted to do it but could never find the time.

Maybe you’re in school, and you want to improve your French, maybe you need it for work, or maybe you just want to learn because you dream of speaking the language of love.

I know how you feel - when the time comes to speak with someone, you become anxious, you feel stuck, slow, you think that you are not good enough. And just thinking about learning French feels very frustrating.

Reading a book to learn is extremely boring, the apps don’t correct you in real-time, traditional schools and teachers give you the most boring verbs to memorise - it’s painful. But don’t worry, I have the perfect solution for you.

Imagine, just for a second, arriving in Paris Charles de Gaulle Airport, calling a taxi and giving him the direction of your beautiful hotel: “Je vais au Ritz, s’il-vous-plaît” clearly, without hesitation.

After dropping off your luggage in your fresh and tidy hotel room just in front of the Tour Eiffel, you decide to call your French friend, Mathieu, who lives in Paris, to have dinner at your favourite restaurant, Avenue George V.

This time, you ask the menu in French, and start to read. You understand the whole menu perfectly. Feeling confident, you ask your friend what he would like to eat and if you can make the order yourself. Then you call the waiter:

- “Excusez-moi, pouvons-nous commander, s’il vous plaît?"

You can see the surprise in your friend’s face. You look confidently at the waiter and order:

“Nous allons prendre une salade, une assiette d’escargots à partager, puis mon ami prendra une entrecôte bien cuite avec des légumes, quant à moi, je vais prendre le saumon fumé avec les pommes de terre cuites au four. Avec ça, nous prendrons une bouteille de Bordeaux rouge et une bouteille d’eau pétillante s’il vous plaît"

- “Très bien et comme dessert?”

- “Mon ami prendra un éclair au café, je prendrai un fondant au chocolat et avec ça, deux Expresso s’il vous plaît"

- “Merci beaucoup! Je vous apporte le vin et les entrées dans un instant”

Your friend is flabbergasted, how can you speak so fluently, while last year you couldn’t even ask for coffee? You also noticed that the waiter didn’t even realise that you were not French.

Imagine how proud, powerful, and respected you’d feel. You don’t think twice anymore when formulating a sentence and your accent and pronunciation are perfect.

How to get there

The best way to learn any language is by practicing, doing, imitating and acting. Forget books, forget boring teachers, forget online courses, they are boring, you will hate them, probably even tried them and so you know what I am talking about. The most interesting and funny way to learn any language is by actually talking the language.

So this is what you need to do. You need to find someone, who is not judgemental, who listens to you and who actually has a conversation with you.

You begin to take baby steps, start using some words, constructing some phrases and if you don’t know, well hopefully if this person is good enough, she will tells you this first words you need to learn and the first rules of how to construct the phrase and than you build on it like Legos

Before you realise it, you will be making full frases, on your own. So this is what you need to do, practice, make mistakes, practice, and practice again.

How learning with me feels like

After your first lesson with me, you realised that you spoke so much. More than that, you also understood some words, some sentences, and that some vocabulary are very close to your own language.

After some lessons already, you feel your progress. Your listening improved, you speak faster and some words appear like that in your head. New sound comes out of your mouth, and the melody is pretty great.

Now, some weeks have already passed and the conversations are deeper, you are more engaged, you even lead the conversation sometimes, asking questions and you received very good compliments from your teacher. You can see in her eyes that she is very very proud of you.

This is what learning with me feels like: chatting with a non-judgmental friend and feeling the progress. At first, you can - and should - make a lot of mistakes and you won’t be judged on correctness but clarity.

With me, you feel as if you were travelling in France being in front of different realistic situations, and being able to be part of conversations with friends or colleagues or hold yourself properly in a job interview.

After you progress through the basics and can hold a clear conversation, I’ll help you refine the details: verbs, intonation, pronunciation, etc.

How is it possible?

Because I provide a different approach to learning the language. I give you all my attention to teach you in a fun and easy way, where you learn and laugh at the same time.

My lessons are based on active learning, which means that I want to give you the support to be able to speak easily, in a real situation, with a real French speaker. I also work on the “Break it Down” that focuses on vocabulary for one area or topic each week - like travel and foods, for example. Just like teaching yourself new sentences and expressions. This organised routine will make learning vocabulary and other important keywords interesting, and you’ll begin to be able to string phrases together.

What I don't do: give you grammar, verb conjugations and all the rules that you can learn at school or by reading a book. I'm here to give you an awesome pronunciation, fluidity, and vocabulary. I let you decide, in real-time and in the flow of conversation, what you would like to talk about so that the conversation is actually interesting to you.

Yes - having a fun conversation with a friendly human is more motivating than being bored with a book! Learning is also about sharing!


  • Real-time, personalized, effective feedback
  • Feel proud of yourself for the progress you're making
  • Get respect and admiration from your boss, parents and friends
  • Learning self-confidence, you will not be shy and scared anymore to speak with French people

About the tutor Leah

I am a French native, born and raised in the South of France, in Toulouse.

When I have to define myself, I say that I am a dancer and a traveller who loves to meet people from different cultures and learn from them.

From my young age, I already travelled a lot and met so many people, cultures and languages, passing through Barcelona, Cyprus, Guinea Conakry, Tunisia, Italy, Portugal or Senegal.

Then I realised that even without speaking the same language, we could have a conversation, laugh, cry and enjoy ourselves together. I just needed to jump and not be shy to try and make mistakes.

And of course, I felt stupid at the beginning, and shy but after some days, I became more confident, and I was so happy to learn and speak all the time. I was focused on imitating, the words, phrases, accent, gestures…

Being a parrot and not being shy to look ridiculous. I just played! Learning is a tool to play around to get a result, like a game. Sometimes you don’t understand all the rules, but you can still play.

Understanding this, I naturally started to give French lessons to my friends first, till expanding it to new people, till 3 years now. I saw them increasing their French-speaking and the better part was that they just loved to learn it, and I enjoyed teaching them!

What they are saying about the tutor

Dominic Barber

Léa is extremely friendly, bubbly and puts one at ease very quickly. It is a pleasure to take lessons with her, and I will be doing many more in the future. Couldn't recommend her more as a teacher :)

Tamara Phoenix

Léa is amazing!! Her lessons are a non-judgemental, safe place to make mistakes and learn from them. With Léa you learn by doing, she builds your confidence by throwing you in the deep end. She teaches you through conversation you feel as if you are talking with a friend. She is very patient, she will allow you to work out responses yourself but is always there to support you and correct you if you need it. As a beginner, I was nervous about starting classes but now I am excited to learn more! I 100% recommend having Léa as a tutor!

María Rico

[Translated] Lea is a very cool person! The best way to learn a language is to speak it and she helps you a lot to speak. We always have interesting topics of conversation! I recommend her 100%!

Pablo Soto

[Translated] Lea is a very good teacher, I progressed quickly with her!

Gianni P.

Léa is a very good teacher! It is super funny to have lesson with her and she is very concrete and pragmatic. Her lessons go straight into the practice of the language.

Lourdes Rico

I am having lessons with Léa and all I can say is that she is great, very friendly and I am learning a lot with her. I would recommend her to everybody who wants to improve their french speaking, she is great ! I am so pleased with our lessons!

Augusta F.

Learning with Lea feels natural, and helps to build speaking confidence!

Valentina Mota

Miss Lea is a great Teacher she is fun to learn with and she is very very patient with me she is really creative and nice and always with a smile so I hope you get a lesson with Miss Lea. She is the best Teacher.

Alex M.

I've had a lot of fun with Léa, she's very kind, funny and she's also bold enough to correct you when you make a stupid mistake, very fun and engaging way to improve your French :) I'll stick with her

Zoé & Chloé

Lea is exactly what I was looking for. My girls look forward to their session with her every time. Thanks Lea!

Nora Nazariann

Léa is an amazing tutor! She makes the lessons so much fun and speaks French with the perfect native accent so you learn a lot!! She is very patient and very kind and she has a great sense of humor!


Lea is a great tutor! She's patient with my beginner French while still making the lesson fun and informative. She speaks and types out the sentences so I can learn to understand the language both through sight and sound which helps a lot. Our messages also act as a study guide so I can review and continue to learn in between teachings.


Léa is a great teacher! She is patient and creates an environment where you can be comfortable to make mistakes and learn from them. She is always happy to teach and work towards your specific goals as a person who wants to learn french. Highly recommend you to try a lesson with her:)

Ritesh S.

Amazing teacher, knows how to work perfectly individual according to the speed/knowledge of the students.

André Casal

Leah is so much fun, I really had a good time and learned my first few french words 😄 Thanks Leah!


I have had so far several classes with Léa. She is a great teacher, always smiling, a good listener and great communicator. She makes every lesson fun so you will never get bored with her and most important, you will enjoy learning la langue française. Mercie, Léa :)


Léa is such a great teacher, we have so much fun in our lessons, I hate learning from books and doing homework but with my session with Léa I have to talk! and I find this the quickest way to learn. I would highly recommend Léa :D

Camila G.

[Translated]I've just started classes with Léa and I couldn't be happier! She is a very dynamic and friendly girl. I really want to continue learning with her, I know that she will help me to improve a lot.

Sabeeta N.

Lea is such a fabulous teacher! We have great conversations in French and she is really helping me improve my language skills. Highly recommend her :)


Le cours de Léa est très pratique et intéressant! J'aime sa façon d'enseigner.


Léa is a wonderful tutor. She speaks French very clearly and corrects you in a nice way. She is patient, smart, open-minded and energetic. I strongly recommend her.


Léa is super nice and helpful! She has been a great teacher and the most important thing is she is patient. Looking forward to continuing to learn with her.


I am already learning so much after just 1 lesson!


The lessons are very well structured and encourages me to talk more and ask questions which I like. She is very friendly and makes me feel confident in learning a new language. The lesson is productive and I am encouraged to always speak French so I learn a lot more vocabulary


Great way of teaching, the classes are fun and instructional. I can feel already a big improvement in my French skills. Thank you very much!


She is very kind and really helped me with my speaking French


She is very nice helps a lot and isn’t rude when you dont know a word or something she just helps you learn it


Léa is a fantastic tutor. She really cares for her students and does her best to always make the conversations interesting and relevant. She is very patient and has helped me improve my french so much. I definitely recommend her as a tutor!

Youssef H.

Leah is one of the Best teacher I have ever had, with her I learned many things also she helped me to be confident talking French


Lea is fantastic! I recommend her 200%.


Léa is very easy and fun to talk to. It was no effort at all to fill the hour's lesson, despite my terrible French.

Marcelo M.

[Translated]Léa is attentive and a great professional. Her pronunciation is clear. It's easy to understand her. Her lessons are very good and she is always aware of your mistakes. It was a pleasure to have lessons with Léa.

How much does learning French cost?

Two Uber Eats per week.

Uber Eats is great right? You just take your phone, open the app and choose an awesome meal. Fifteen minutes later, without doing anything else, your favorite meal shows up at your door. Simple and practical. So simple actually that you order 2, 3 or maybe even 4 times a week without even realizing it. Did you already do the calculation for these expenses?

Let’s do it right now: let’s say that on average you spend 16€ for one meal, just the simple one, without dessert or drink, to which you add the 15% delivery fee so around 3€ more. That’s 19€ per meal. If you order 2 or 3 times a week, that’s 35 or 51€.

So how much do my lessons cost? Just with two uber eats per week you can offer yourself an awesome French lesson, learn a new skill, feel smarter and you will also keep your body healthier by cooking a fast and delicious tuna salad. Good for your body and good for your mind.

As Howard Gardner said: “If you think education is expensive, try estimating the cost of ignorance.”

Even if you don't order uber eats, what is the cost of not learning French?

Think about this: the quality of your life is proportional to the quality of your mind. And thinking is just talking to yourself - with words. So the more words you know, the more thoughts you can have. For example, unless you know what the French word “Épater” ( that doesn’t translate to english) means, you can not even have that thought. So, if you don’t learn a new language there are thoughts you literally cannot have and, therefore, your mind will not expand.

Also, think about all the opportunities you’ll be missing out on: opportunities at work, like getting an internship abroad in an French speaking country, or having the chance to move to such a country, or even meeting new interesting people that, without the skill of communication, you would never share anything with.

“Anyone who stops learning is old, whether at twenty or eighty. Anyone who keeps learning stays young. The greatest thing in life is to keep your mind young.” – Henry Ford

Schedule a session

To schedule a session with me, just click the button below and select the day and time for your session. After payment you'll receive an email with the zoom link you'll use for our session.

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100% Satisfaction Guarantee

100% Satisfaction Guarantee

This is the guarantee I give to all my clients: you will be 100% satisfied or your money back.


Personal Note

I want to thank you for taking the time to read about my tutoring service. It is a real pleasure for me to help people become better, learn new skills and make them feel free and independent. I believe that the best investment that you can make is in yourself and to always make progress in your own life. Trust in and be kind to yourself.

Thanks again for reading and talk soon!